Rules, Regulations & Lists of Species

ETC® Competition Rules

After the ETC® 2018 in Salzburg, Austria, we have carefully and seriously considered suggestions from you, the competitors and altered the Rules & Regulations. In addition we have added our own experiences into this improved version.

The most important change is that it will no longer be possible to make late registrations. All the entries as well as the Show Pass and the participation at the Award banquet must be pre-registered at least 10 days before the event starts. (Please read the details under Registration, page 2).

Kindly please read them due to small but significant changes. This new version, which will be valid for the next ETC® edition, has been uploaded in July 2019.

It is essential for every competitor to know the latest version of the ETC® Competition Rules. This will avoid complications and disappointment.

ETC® Lists of Species

These lists have to be used in all bird, mammal and game head categories in Professional and Master Division. In order to know in which sub-categories (e.g. large birds B3, medium birds B2 or small birds B1) your mounts must be entered, you have to use these lists. Please note: If you pre-register a species not on the lists, put a remark “not on list” on the registration form. The final decision in which category your mount has to be entered, will be made on location by the competition chairman. (According to the Rules & Regulations under ETC® Species Lists, page 5)

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