Winning Mounts 2014
Best of Professional Category Small Game Heads.
Klipspringer by Marie Christin Scheinpflug (Germany).
Second of Professional Category Small Game Heads.
Reeve’s Muntjac by David Hollingworth (United Kingdom).
Best of Professional Category Reconstructions/ Scientific Models.
House Mouse by Igor Solovev (Russia).
Best of Novice Division and Novice Award First Price.
Common European Chamois by David Monnet (France).
Second of Novice Division and Novice Award Second Prize.
Grotto Ground Beetle by Elena Pelizzoli (Italy).
Third of Novice Division and Novice Award Third Price.
Two Carolina Wood Ducks by Giovanni Salvini (Italy).
Best of Collective Artists Division.
Snow Leopard by Lázló Bagó (Hungary) and Erling Mørch (Denmark).
Second of Collective Artists Division.
Kestrel and Mouse by Zsombor Pünkösti (Hungary) and Dominik Speleman (Denmark).
Third of Collective Artists Division.
Peregrine Falcon by Roland Kaiser (Germany) and Brian Philipsen (Denmark).
Franz Schwarz Taxidermy Award.
Harris’s Hawk, Siberian Jay, Barbary Falcon and Siberian Goshawks by Roland Kaiser (Germany).
European Fish Taxidermy Award and ATI Landscape Award First Prize.
Largemouth Bass by C. Carlotti (Italy).