Winning Mounts 2014

Judges Choice Best of Show.
White-faced Saki by Jan Panniger (Germany).

Taxidermists’ Choice Best of Show.
Grey Heron by Robert Stein (Germany).

First Place Award of Excellence.
Stickleback, Gudgeon and Sunbleak by Matthias Fahrni (Switzerland).

Second Place Award of Excellence.
Roe Deer by Maurice Bouten (Netherlands).

Third Place Award of Excellence.
Scops Owl by Marco Fischer (Germany).

Best of Europe Birds.
Common Firecrest by Peter Spannenburg (Netherlands).

Second of Europe Birds.
Burrowing Parakeet by Robert Stein (Germany).

Third of Europe Birds.
Mallard by Mark Buhagiar (Malta).

Best of Europe Mammals.
White-faced Saki by Jan Panniger (Germany).

Second of Europe Mammals.
Lynx by Daniel Salzer (Germany).

Third of Europe Mammals.
Bengal Tiger by Maurice Bouten (Netherlands).

Best of Europe Fishes.
Bristle-nose Catfish by Michael Witzke (Germany).

Best of Europe Reproductions.
Black Goby by Bo Wessmann (Sweden).

Best of Professional Category Small Birds.
Pine Grosbeak by Evgenii Timoschenko (Russia).

Second of Professional Category Small Birds.
Brazilian Tanagar by Maurice Lunak (Germany).

Third of Professional Category Small Birds.
Northern Cardinal by Zsombor Pünkösti (Hungary).

Best of Professional Category Medium Birds.
Grey Peacock Pheasant by Zsombor Pünkösti (Hungary).

Best of Professional Category Large Birds.
Himalayan Monal by Z. Pünkösti (Hungary).

 Best of Professional Category Medium Mammals.
Caracal by Marie Christin Scheinpflug (Germany).

Second of Professional Category Medium Mammals.
Corsac Fox by Alexander Fomenko (Russia).

Best of Professional Category Large Mammals.
European Beaver by Romy Kreschel (Germany).

Best of Professional Category Small Game Heads.
Klipspringer by Marie Christin Scheinpflug (Germany).

Second of Professional Category Small Game Heads.
Reeve’s Muntjac by David Hollingworth (United Kingdom).

Best of Professional Category Large Game Heads.
Kafue-Lechwe by David Hollingworth (UK).

Second of Professional Category Large Game Heads.
Pony by Mieke De Leeuw (Belgium).

Best of Professional Category Reptiles/Amphibians.
Fire Salamander by Jan Panniger (Germany).

Best of Professional Category Fish.
Largemouth Bass by Christopher Carlotti (Italy).

Best of Professional Category Reconstructions/ Scientific Models.
House Mouse by Igor Solovev (Russia).

Best of Novice Division and Novice Award First Price.
Common European Chamois by David Monnet (France).

Second of Novice Division and Novice Award Second Prize.
Grotto Ground Beetle by Elena Pelizzoli (Italy).

Third of Novice Division and Novice Award Third Price.
Two Carolina Wood Ducks by Giovanni Salvini (Italy).

Best of Collective Artists Division.
Snow Leopard by Lázló Bagó (Hungary) and Erling Mørch (Denmark).

Second of Collective Artists Division.
Kestrel and Mouse by Zsombor Pünkösti (Hungary) and Dominik Speleman (Denmark).

Third of Collective Artists Division.
Peregrine Falcon by Roland Kaiser (Germany) and Brian Philipsen (Denmark).

Franz Schwarz Taxidermy Award.
Harris’s Hawk, Siberian Jay, Barbary Falcon and Siberian Goshawks by Roland Kaiser (Germany).

Karl Lange Award.
House Mouse by Igor Solovev (Russia).

ETF Award.
Avocet Skeleton and Mount by Dominik Speleman (Denmark).

Best Design Award.
Bohemian Waxwings by Abdullah Al Mamun Raihan and Aminul Islam (Bangladesh).

European Fish Taxidermy Award and ATI Landscape Award First Prize.
Largemouth Bass by C. Carlotti (Italy).

ATI Landscape Award Second Prize.
Leopard with Common Duiker by Tamás Gémesi (Hungary).

ATI Landscape Award Third Prize.
Hooded Crow with Mallard Ducklings by Cristiano Marin (Italy).

VNPS Award and Kaiser Gyrfalcon Award.
Common Buzzard by Judith van Schendel (Netherlands).

Reconstruction Award.
Moa Reconstruction by Mariantonietta Dell’Agnese and Riccardo Miolo (Italy).

Most Expressive Pose Award.
Grey Peacock Pheasant by Zsombor Pünkösti (Hungary).

Best Bird Eye Award.
Brazilian Tanagar by Maurice Lunak (Germany).

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