The direct access to the European taxidermy community
European Taxidermy Championships is a 100% targeted communication platform for advertising to the estimated 2.500 European taxidermists.
The next championship is the “12th Open European Taxidermy Championships® 2021” and will be held in partnership with and during the world exhibition “One with Nature” in Budapest, Hungary from 20 -27 September 2021.
Between each championship, the website www.eurotaxidermy.eu serves as the most comprehensive communication platform to the European taxidermy community.
We finance our large events “European Taxidermy Championships®” through donations, sponsorships, entry fees, selling of seminars, show pass, exhibition stands and we offer digital advertising at www.eurotaxidermy.eu and print/digital adverting in the “ETC Magazine”
Check out more about advertising options and prices at the “ETC® MEDIA KIT”:
Link: https://eurotaxidermy.eu/forms/ETC-MediaKit%202021.pdf